(717) 510-6996 (717)-510-6975 Mon - Friday, 09:00 am - 05:30 pm
85 Shannon Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17112

We Proivde The Right Fit For Your Family


Over 29% of Pennsylvania’s households are made up of people living alone. For single adults recovering from surgery or illness having someone to call on to help with day-to-day activities can be challenging. Getting well can take just a few days, weeks or longer. Relevant Home Care can provide a range of non-medical services to assist adults during their recovery a few hours a day or week, as well as 24 hours a day. Our dependable caregivers can help during recuperation by taking care of those daily household chores that can pile up, running errands, or transporting patients to doctor appointments.


Bringing home a new baby or adopting a child is exciting! At the same time, trying to juggle regular family and work responsibilities can be exhausting. Relevant Home Care can provide the help and care new moms need to focus on their new baby and family. Our experienced caregivers can be the responsible, reliable and caring extra set of hands your family needs.


Assisted living or a skilled nursing facility may be the best choice for some seniors. However, many seniors would prefer to stay in the comfort of their own homes, in familiar surroundings, near friends, doctors, and their community. Relevant Home Care is the ideal solution for seniors who want to maintain their independence and dignity by continuing to live at home. Our caregivers can provide companionship and make their lives easier by performing many of the tasks which have become difficult and tiring.